Sole source aquifer boundary for the Mahomet aquifer (Mar 15)
This map shows the sole source aquifer boundary for the Mahomet aquifer, as designated by the USEPA Region 5.Map of the counties covered by the Regional Water Supply Planning Committee of east-central Illinois (Dec 07)
This map of central Illinois shows the boundaries of the Mahomet aquifer, the Sangamon River watershed and the 15 county area of the Regional Water Supply Planning Committee of east-central Illinois.
Selected figures from Hackley et al. (2010) (1 MB, Jul 10)
This figure shows the bedrock geology beneath the Mahomet aquifer, location of monitoring wells and the effect of recharge and bedrock groundwater discharge on the water quality in the Mahomet aquifer.
Download the complete paper by Hackley, Panno & Anderson (2010) (2 MB)
Map showing the community water supplies pumping from the Mahomet aquifer (Oct 06)
This map of central Illinois shows the aquifer (shaded violet), county boundaries, city/village water supplies.