ISWS/ISGS Publications
ISWS Contract Report 2011-08: Meeting East-Central Illinois Water Needs to 2050: Potential Impacts on the Mahomet Aquifer and Surface Reservoirs
ISGS Circular 594: The Future of Science of the Mahomet Aquifer
ISWS Letter Report: Status of Water Levels in the Mahomet Aquifer near Champaign-Urbana
ISWS Contract Report 2018-04: Groundwater Flow Models of Illinois: Data, Processes, Model Performance, and Key Results
ISGS Special Report 7: Water Quality in the Mahomet Aquifer: Chemical Indicators of Brine Migration and Mixing
An Introductory Guide to the Mahomet Aquifer and Natural Gas Storage in East-Central Illinois
ISWS Contract Report 2013-03: A Water Well Inventory to Assess Potential Conflicts from Development of a Well Field in Selected Areas of McLean, Tazewell, and Woodford Counties, Illinois
ISGS IMAP019: Geologic cross sections across the Mahomet Bedrock Valley, Champaign, Ford, McLean, Piatt, and Vermilion Counties, Illinois
ISWS Report of Investigations 123: The 2012 Drought in Illinois