Current Conditions
Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) has worked with a number of stakeholders provide extensive real-time monitoring of groundwater levels throughout the Mahomet Aquifer. Those monitoring efforts include the Imperial Valley, Mahomet Aquifer East, Northern Logan County, and the McTaz region. The ISWS considers to conduct research into new methods to deliver this data, including assessing seasonal changes in water levels and assessing the impact of precipitation on changing water levels.
ISWS Water and Atmospheric Resources Monitoring Program (WARM) Info on water, soil, shallow groundwater, sediment, stream flow, and reservoirs.
United States Geological Survey (USGS) groundwater info: Mahomet aquifer well in Champaign Co., Shallow well in Champaign Co.
USGS current streamflow info, Sangamon River at Fisher, Monticello & Petersburg
Reservoir info: National Weather Service daily stage report, Lake Springfield